Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stupid Airshow!

The Offutt Airshow has seriously disturbed my Chi this week. Due to flight restrictions my CFI thought it best if we skip flying this week. Although the Temporary Flight Restrictions did not quite cover our practice area, he thought it would be best to not have to worry about an F16 flying up our tail. This does however give me the opportunity to enjoy the airshow which only comes around once a year. The Thunderbirds are performing this year and I have not seen them in quite some time. I am looking forward to watching the pros.

As for my flight training, it is coming along quite nicely. I have 4 landings to date. My takeoffs could be better. For some reason the aircraft always feels a little squirrelly at first. I just need to relax a bit more and not get so excited :) I have been going over the takeoffs and landings in my head quite a bit and I am seriously looking forward to getting another crack at them. My CFI says I have been doing quite good thus far but I guess my expectations are high. I am comparing my rookie skills to someone who has a bajillion flight hours compared to my 3.2. I guess he is right.

We practiced recovering from stalls a couple of weeks ago. These scared me at first but to be honest they are quite fun. I love amusement park rides that suddenly drop you and this perfectly describes a stall. I would practice recovering from those all day if I could. The funny thing is that everytime I learn something new, that seems to be my favorite part of flying. So far my favorites include: takeoffs, landings, high bank turns, medium bank turns, stall recoveries, and straight and level flight.

I think next week we are working on instrument flight. I plan on earning my instrument rating after my Private Pilot Certificate so as usual, I can hardly wait.

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